Beach activities


Koningin Astridlaan 7
Oostende 8400
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Groups from 12 people:
€42,35 per person


Powerkiting is one of the most spectacular kinds of kiting. These kites are mattresses to be operated by two line.

The surface of the mattresses is chosen depending on the wind-force. After having explained how the kite can be operated it is up to you to put the theory into practice.

Will you succeed in letting the kite skim over the beach without crashing? It certainly is fantastic to feel the force of the wind in your hands!


During this session your team will be confronted with a number of problematical situations.

Just imagine: three wooden beams lashed down in the form of an A. On top of the A four ropes have been attached and hold by the members of the team who try to keep the A upright.

One of the team members sits down on the crosswise beam. The members of the team must try to let the A walk without the team mate falling dawn from the top of the A. Communication and a lot of team spirit are needed!

Beach sports

Power kiting and land yachting can only be organised at low tide and if there is sufficient wind. The programme ‘Beach sports’ is the ideal alternative for a day without wind. Challenge your colleagues to a volley match, a hockey match, a samba football match, ultimate Frisbee etc…

Half-day of beach activities (max. 2h30): €42.35 p.p. Min. number of participants: 12 people.
Full day of beach activities (5h): €70.18 p.p. Min. number of participants: 12 people.