
Full calendar

De Grote Post

De Grote Post is the cultural hub of the city. Not only does it fulfill an indispensable role as a supporter in the development and presentation of the professional arts, it also offers a hospitable platform for the many associations, art and culture organizations in Ostend and beyond. De Grote…

Casino Oostende

Ostend Casino equals an unforgettable experience. It is a place where you can enjoy culinary pleasures at Restaurant Brassi & Brassi Grand Café. A venue where the excitement and thrill are tangible at the roulette table, blackjack, stud poker or electronic slot machines. And a unique…

Ostend maritime walk

Discover Ostend’s fascinating maritime past, vibrant present and promising blue future with our immersive audio walk. This walk offers a fascinating insight into Ostend’s eternal love of the sea. Come and be enchanted by the sounds of the sea and its stories as you immerse yourself in Ostend’s…

Guided tour ‘Stories and shrimp’

If we didn’t serve our guide the odd portion of ‘gernoazen’ now and then, he would just keep on talking, sharing stories about Ostend. So that is exactly what we’ll be doing on this tasty tour. We will stop now and then to sample some shrimp - and you get to taste them too: shrimp fresh from the…